Baby’s Health
Resources to help you stay informed and understand how to keep baby healthy, from the benefits of skin-to-skin to the latest research on SIDS.
The Essence of Kangaroo Mother Care: Nurturing Preterm Infants through Skin-to-Skin Contact
Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), an intervention that involves early, continuous, and prolonged skin-to-skin contact between the mother (or primary caregiver) and the premature or low birth weight (LBW) baby, coupled with exclusive breastfeeding (World Health Organisation). It represents a simple, yet profoundly effective approach to improving neonatal care, with immediate KMC being a pivotal component.
World Prematurity Day 2022: Causes, Action & Resources
November 17th is World Prematurity Day, a time dedicated to raising awareness of premature birth and the devastating impact it can have on parents and families. When a baby comes early or has to spend an extended amount of time in the hospital, it can be a difficult, emotional, and potentially isolating time for parents. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Leo & Mia Foundation to raise awareness of premature births & share vital information with women in our communities.
5 Things You Need To Know About Keeping Your Baby Warm This Winter
You might have heard the general rule of thumb that your baby should wear one more layer than you but it’s a little bit more complicated than that. We’re sharing the 5 top tips for keeping your baby at just the right temperature this winter.
Here's What You Need to Know About SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
It’s something no parent should have to worry about – yet tragically, each year parents experience their worst nightmare. Sudden infant death syndrome (commonly called SIDS) occurs when a healthy baby under 12 months dies during sleep without explanation. October is SIDS Awareness Month and we’re here to give you a breakdown of what SIDS is, tips on how to help prevent it, and ways to educate your friends and family.
What The New SIDS Research Means For Parents
In May, new research on the potential causes of SIDS was published by an Australian research team and it cause a lot of noise in the media; both hopeful and skeptical. Multiple sources reported that they’d “found the cause of SIDS”. We’re breaking it down: what the new SIDS research found, if it’s definitive or not, what it means for parents, and what you can do to help lower the risk of SIDS. Let’s get into it.
Premature Births: Resources, Support And Looking After Yourself
World Prematurity Day is a time dedicated to raising awareness of premature birth and the devastating impact it can have on families. We're sharing resources and tips on how to cope with an early birth and care for yourself and your baby during this time.