Pregnancy Health
Keep on top of your prenatal health and learn about gestational diabetes, vaccines, prenatal appointments, and more.
Meet Bella: Your AI-Powered Guide to Fertility, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Wellness
If you haven’t met her yet, let us introduce you to Bella—your very own AI-powered wellness guide for everything from fertility to postpartum recovery. Bella is like having an expert, best friend, and wellness coach all rolled into one, helping you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with advice that's tailored specifically to *you*. Whether you’re thinking about starting a family, in the thick of pregnancy, or adjusting to life with your new baby, Bella has your back with personalized insights.
7 Ways Your Vagina Changes During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, your vagina may undergo several changes. While these changes can be uncomfortable at times, they are a natural part of the process and are usually nothing to worry about, but to put your mind at ease, we’re sharing what you need to know about common vaginal changes during pregnancy.
The Ultimate Guide To Pre & Postnatal Appointments (Plus Downloadable Notes)
We’re sharing our Ultimate Guide To Pre & Postnatal Appointments so you know exactly what to expect every step of the way. Plus, we’ve got a downloadable appointment notes page for you — so you never miss a thing and have a nice keepsake to look back on your journey.
Birth Injuries: Information, Support & Resources
We’ve teamed up with Birth Injury Center to bring you vital information about potential birth injuries, why and when they happen, and where you can find support.
Is That Safe? Flying & Airport Security During Pregnancy
This week, we’re back with another installment of our Is That Safe? series and since lots of our mamas in the northern hemisphere are thinking about summer and summer vacations, we’re going to answer all your burning questions about flying, going through airport security, and traveling when you’re pregnant.
Is That Safe? Manicures And Nail Polish During Pregnancy
If you’re reading this, we guess that you might be thinking about heading to your nearest salon for a pamper day. Whether you’re used to getting a regular manicure or you’re thinking of treating yourself, who could blame you for indulging? If there’s ever a time you deserve some TLC, it’s now! We’re taking a look a the best and safest way to care for, and color, your nails during pregnancy.
What Happens When You Lie On Your Back In Pregnancy
Is lying on your back while pregnant harmful to baby? What happens if you roll onto your back while sleeping? We’re sharing why you should avoid lying on your back for extended periods of time while pregnant, and also busting some myths about this guidance as well.
What Is A Glucose Test & How Should You Prepare For It?
Many women receive a glucose test towards the end of their second trimester or the start of the third, and it’s designed to measure blood sugar levels and assess your risk for gestational diabetes. Let’s talk about how to prepare for your glucose test!
Planning A Babymoon? How To Stay Safe & Comfortable While Flying
Can I fly anytime while I’m pregnant? Should I wear compression socks? Will high altitudes affect my pregnancy? We’re answering your top questions and safety concerns about flying while pregnant!
5 Things To Know About The Placenta, Your Most Important Pregnancy Organ
Although a temporary organ, the placenta might be the most important organ in your body during pregnancy. Learn about it's role in fetal stem cells, maternal health, and feeling baby's movements.
5 Tips For Managing Your Oral Health In Pregnancy (Spoiler: It's Important!)
We spoke with Dr. Linda Greenwall from Dental Wellness Trust to learn more about dental health during pregnancy and get her top tips on how to manage your oral health.