Nutrition & Recipes
for Pregnancy
Find nutritious and easy meal ideas for you and your growing baby. Plus, get expert advice on what nutrients you need during pregnancy.
4 Easy Smoothie Bowl Recipes To Brighten Your Day
As spring approaches, we think it’s the perfect time to indulge in a delicious, healthy, feel-good breakfast (or snack!). Yes, it takes a little longer to prepare, but it’s about loving your body and nourishing your mind with the right foods! We like to think of cooking as a form of self-love, and when you think of it like that, it feels like it’s worth putting a little more time and effort into the food you’re making and the way it looks.
Beat Pregnancy Fatigue & Get Your Body Moving With These Pregnancy Safe Smoothie Recipes (Great For Postpartum Too!)
Have you been struggling with fatigue and tiredness during your pregnancy? If you said yes! Then this is the article you need. We’re breaking down what causes pregnancy fatigue, sharing some quick tips to beat pregnancy fatigue, and a banana fig smoothie which is packed with the nutrients you need to beat pregnancy fatigue.
A Mood-Boosting Smoothie Recipe
We’re sharing a mood-boosting smoothie recipe for Mental Health Awareness month. This Super Green smoothie is rich in iron, folic acid, calcium, and B6 - all amazing for your physical and mental health.